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Flexera is a SaaS-based IT management company that delivers solutions that enable enterprises to accelerate digital transformation and multiply the value of their technology investments.

They help organizations inform their IT with unparalleled visibility into complex hybrid ecosystems. And help them transform their IT with tools that deliver the actionable intelligence to effectively manage, govern and optimize their hybrid IT estate. They have more than 50,000 customers that subscribes to their technology value optimization solutions.

Client: Ritarexar Dimandi (UK)

Date : 24 January 2022


Categories: Web Development

The Challenge

The challenge is to provide organizations with tools that deliver the actionable intelligence to optimize their hybrid IT estate and create a better user experience.

The Solution

We made a solution that can easily monitor the usage of the softwares and licenses on a high level down to a more detailed level such as the actual usage of each user per license type. This solution would help companies discover what type of softwares, licenses, and users are not active so they can optimize and remove unnecessary costs. These insights are easily monitored and up-to-date allowing companies to save millions of dollars.

Our Role

Our responsibility was to fix their existing User Management system, at that time, the User Management System confused users because the workflow goes into a loop and left them wondering if they had completed their task. We fixed the workflow and simplified the process for the users by making the decision point obvious and in making the direction easier for the users to know which step they took and they can easily revert to early decisions.

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